If I were a limbless torso, I'd learn to crawl too
Yesterday was a bad day; chock full of racists and a grumpy gus. The good thing was Jaci was there...too bad we couldnt fight past all of the other bullshit. Eh. Still a semi decent time.

Scifi should be left to geeks and other people that care, and should never enter my realm again. (Limbless babies, torsos, and robots...oh my)

I am curious to how Shane and Jaci got back together, but alas I am too lazy to write and email and the phone card is nonexistant. Blah. (sucks to my bordom)

Just when I needed a change, it creeped into my life in a plastic bag. We threw out the "them" and brought in the "us". It was a glorious thing.

Posted on 2002-10-13 at 11:56 p.m.